Ep 114 - Beauty and the Beast - Feminism & Fairytales Pt. 2 - Feat. Kailey Bray

The second half of our two part series on Beauty and the Beast with Kailey Bray!

We talk about the authors of Beauty and the Beast, the impacts of its creation on story, and the idea of the woman as a muse. Also, Kailey tells a us her own tale.


From the Beast to the Blonde: On Fairy Tales and Their Tellers by Marina Warner

Beauty and the Beast, Old and New by Terry Windling

La Belle et La Bête by Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve


Ep 115 - Pompeii Pt. 1 - A Pliny for Your Thoughts - Feat. Spenser Starke


Ep 113 - Beauty and the Beast Pt. 1 - Feminism & Fairytales - Feat. Kailey Bray